Catherine Canadeo

Ask Coach Catherine:

Self Care is The New Healthcare

Welcome to my monthly column where I will be taking questions from readers like you regarding how to create and improve your holistic lifestyle.
I am Catherine Canadeo, a board certified holistic health coach and integrative functional nutritionist certified by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, a member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, and an allied health professional of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. I am also a lifestyle coach and have been helping people throughout the United States cope with their emotional and physical well-being.

Here’s a question from Alyssa of East Nonhport:

How do I create a New Year’s resolution creating a happier, healthier lifestyle for me and my family?

Hello Alyssa, According to expert, 80 percent of our New Year’s resolutions fail. That number is quite discouraging, not to mention that’s a lot of pressure to put on our-selves. Selecting the perfect New Year’s resolution is something that a lot of people struggle with- how do you dedicate yourself and your family to achieving a goal that you’ll commit to all year long and has the power to improve t he quality of your life? A major reason that New Year’s resolutions fail is because they don’t speak to your ambitions holistically – they don’t embody the needs and wants of your body, mind and spirit or soul. In order to truly improve your wellbeing in the New Year, you need to be wholly committed in every aspect. By taking a holistic approach and incorporating goals designed to nurture your mind, body and soul – you can become an interconnected person!
These goals could include aw ide range of things, from taking a natural approach to living to trying alternative methods of healing. Holistic liv ing acknowledges that many parts of ourselves are connected and affect one another. By committing to them with an understanding of their benefits from a holistic standpoint, they might be even more meaningful to you in the New Year. And, by taking them in smaller steps from the beginning, you’ll begin to lay the foundations for a healthier life without ovenwhelming yourself it h drastic changes. Small changes are everything!

The goal here is to build healthy habits and create new patterns of positive experiences that will help you maintain a vibrant lifestyle.

Easy Ways to Make Holistic Living Part of Your New Year’s Resolution:

1. ‘Tis the season to be kind to yourself Be patient with yourself the way you would be patient with your spouse or loved ones. Start by ditching the guilt and shame associated with weight issues. Our health and wellness are dynamic it’s an ever-changing balancing act. We each have natural cycles of activity, restoration, nutrition, and elimination. Maybe what’s holding you back is that what used to work may no longer be effect I’ve for one or more reasons. Consider rebalancing your seasonal life-style. Winter can be a time for increased nurturing. This may mean reading a book, sharing more quality family time, or enjoying a hobby.

2. Eat more whole foods:Many people attempt aNew Year’s resolution of “no junk food,” but completely cutting out processed foods, excess sugar and other foods isn’t realistic- nor is it the true path to healthy living. Instead, make a resolution to incorporate more fresh (organic) whole foods into your diet each week. By adding more foods like vegetables, fresh fruit and other nutrient dense ingredients to your daily meals, you’ll have less room for junk food while still being able to indulge every once in awhile. Fresh and whole foods can help stabilize your mood, reduce brain fog, and improve concentration, which will help you mentally and make it easier for you to do the things you love – feeding your soul in the process. I follow the 80-20 rule try your best to eat healthy-mindfully Monthly through Friday and enjoy occasionally on the weekend. Don’t forget hydration: every cell in your body needs to function. Focus on fluids that are rich in electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals; examples include herbal teas and Kombucha.

3. Make time for meditation : Meditation has become buzz word especially with all the stress we’ve been exposed to these past two years living in challenging unprecedented times. Experts believe that meditation can have a multi-faceted improvement on your life. It’s a perfect reminder that the mental affects the physical, and the physical affects the mental It can help you relieve daily stress, provide peace from anxiety and even bolster your immune system. Meditation is truly a holistically beneficial activity, and its easily buildable. Start small in t he first few weeks and gradually add more time into your sessions as you can.

4. Sleep more and more easily: Sleep is yet another comprehensive way to improve overall physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. While most people see sleep as a way to combat fatigue, sleep provides us so much more It helps our bodies heal and stay strong to fight illness, aides in stress relief, keeps our moods high, helps us to concentrate and much, much more.70, of healing occur s while we sleep! If you aren’t sleeping well improving your sleep health should be one of your main priorities in the New year. After doing so, many of your other goals are more likely to fall into place.

5. Take a probiotic: Gut health is essential and is another example of how the body and mind work synergistically and are much more connected than we think. The bacteria that reside in your colon can have beneficial effects, but they can also have negative effects, and both kinds affect not only physical health, but also mental health. Adding a daily probiotic to your routine is a very simple

thing to accomplish, but it can make a world of difference for your overall health and well-being by keeping your body and mind in balance, and harmful pathogens at bay.

6. Reassess your fitness goal: Life happens, so be flexible. If your current activities are not working begin to reassess your goals by looking at what’s healthy and reasonable for your specific needs. When it comes to our fitness, your priorities and goals will vary depending on age, gender, and other health conditions. The intensity, pace and type of exercise that worked for you in your 20s or 30s may no longer be effective. Start by setting a goal of 150 minutes for t he week to build consistency. If 22 minutes of activity per day isn’t doable… then maybe 30 minutes every other day is fine if you keep moving during the week. Also alternating cardio and strength training with yoga will help you find the right balance.

7. Control stiess: Nurture withNature. Spend time in nature. Take a long walk, it’s relaxing, and immune boosting properties help with brain fog and restore your spirit. Enjoy t he forests and landscapes of the season near a window, or in front of the fireplace with a cozy blanket and a favorite healthy beverage. Depending on the season and where you live you may want to try !crest bathing, a winter hike, cross country skiing, bird watching or even build a snowman with your kids! Focus on optimizing your whole health, and dot* get fixated on just one concern.

& Keep a positive attitude One way you can is by surrounding yourself with positive people Don’t get dragged down by someone else’s negative outlook or emotions. A positive outlook keeps you energized and ready to tackle life’s challenges, while a negative one will only deplete your physical and mental strength Positive and optimistic people tend to be more physically active and follow a healthier lifestyle After a bold, ambitious start to the New Year t here may be many reasons to get sidetracked on the road to your healthy lifestyle. The great news is that by trying these strategies, you can get back on track to reach your goals naturally.

We all have the power within us to create what we desire – Coach Catherine

Catherine Canadeo a nationally – recognized holistic health and wellness consultant and has coached arid consulted with hundreds of private clients, groups, and corporations. She teaches workshops and speaks at a variety of venues from national corporate events and conventions to local spa studios.