Catherine Canadeo

Success Stories

Dear Catherine – an overdue note to say how eternally grateful I am to have gotten to know you and to have reaped the benefits of your friendship, wisdom and expertise (not to mention zest for life)! I was lucky to find you at a pivotal time in my life when my body was in a certain state of fight or flight. Your breadth of medical knowledge and functional healing, plus keen insights, have helped me to tackle the challenges I was facing as a post menopausal woman suffering from previously uncovered autoimmune issues (manifesting in various ways from hives to vertigo). With firm patience and kindness you helped me to tap into the mind body connection, coaching me to navigate the added stressors of delicate family dynamics involved with caring for aging parents – all the while reminding me of my own purpose and potential. I appreciate the plethora of tools you have introduced  me to from having , to food as medicine/supplements and essential books and information on healthy living . I  have definitely obtained a renewed sense of empowerment -finding my true self again with a reignited energy to continue  the work knowing you are  in my corner (especially with your sound advice always in my ear).  Catherine, I feel blessed to be counted among the individuals whom you so skillfully meet where they are as you support them to become their own best advocates . Thank you.


After a few years of being stuck in a place of negative thoughts, feeling overwhelmed by life and my children, making poor food choices and not making any time for myself, I thought I’d never be able to get back to my “old happy, healthy self”. Well, I would never be where I am today without the guidance and coaching from Catherine Canadeo. Catherine has made such a positive impact on my life. From our very first meeting, I felt so extremely comfortable that our one hour session turned into a 2.5 hour conversation. Catherine is a wonderful listener. She truly listens to each and every word you say to her. One of the very first things she said to me was that our journey together would be all about healing the mind, body and soul, and that is exactly what this journey has been for me. Catherine has walked me through, step by step, how to change old habits and patterns and to create a NEW self-improved ME!
“Catherine is a wonderful coach but also a lovely person. She is kind, thoughtful and genuinely cares about her patients. I will forever be grateful for her knowledge and guidance but most importantly, her friendship.”
Meghan D.

Catherine is a true delight to work with because of her grace, wisdom, intuition, love and care for her clients. Her service to her community and clients can only be understood as a state of grace. She provides you with the tools to connect with yourself by diving into her own personal experiences. She shows you that your soul already knows the answers that you seek and that there are no obstacles, only opportunities. Catherine shows you how to show up for yourself and to forgive yourself and your decisions. She helps you to disarm your trauma and to heal through open conversations. She demonstrates that your diet is more than what you put on your plate and in your cup but what you put into your mind. With Catherine I raised my level of being and identity so my nutritional choices became choices of who I am not of what I want. I improved my morning routine, cleaned up my diet, and transformed my body through proper gut and brain health practices. She taught me to protect my dopamine centers and to be proud and positive with what I have done. She helped me to center my happiness and turn it into my power. We reduced my stress and practiced exercising my intuition in all my decisions. I truly could not have come so far without her persistence and belief in me. When the student is ready the teacher will appear. If you should be so lucky as to have Catherine cross your path — it means that you are ready for an incredibly transformative experience and count your blessings that Catherine is the one there to guide you. Working with Catherine was a testament to the fact that the soul is all knowing. My future self does and will continue to thank me for investing in Catherine and I thank Catherine every single day for investing in me. I look forward to continuing to work together and dig deeper into the science and the spirit to live a deeply fulfilling and well nourished life.
If you want to completely know your body and mind – I 10/10 would recommend getting in touch.

Five months ago, I was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. I’m 60 years old and this news rocked my world. The cause of the cirrhosis was that I had Hepatitis C many years ago that I had beat. I thought since I beat it, I was good, and here I am again fighting it again and for my life. So, a close friend of mine got me in touch with Catherine to try and help me with coping and dealing with this problem. Little did I know that she was going to change my life.
“I can’t thank Catherine enough for saving me. She has made me realize that I am FIRST no more “WHY ME?” it’s now “WHY NOT ME?”.”
Catherine and I have been meeting about once a week for the last five months, and the things that she has helped me with to put me back on track, not only has made me healthier physically and mentally but also spiritually. In the last five months I’ve lost almost 30 lbs., I’ve quit smoking cigars, I’ve learned how to eat properly and what to look for in foods. But the biggest thing that I have been able to do is to come completely come off of all of my anti-depressants and anxiety medications, which I have been on for well over a decade. I can’t thank Catherine enough for saving me. She has made me realize that I am FIRST no more “WHY ME” it’s now “WHY NOT ME”. So even though my family, my wife, my children and my grandchildren are important, I TOO am important. Because if I’m not then I am no help to my family. So, thank you Catherine for all you have done for me and my family to open my eyes and see life so much differently.
Wayne C.

I found Catherine on the internet. I knew I needed help-something? someone? guidance? I thought what I needed was to lose weight. But I soon found out otherwise. Immediately her warmth, intelligence, and compassion came right through. We had an immediate connection and because I felt safe and in loving hands it enabled me to open up old wounds. She provided me a place to unload old scars, dissect them, come to understand them and then put them away for good. Needless to say she taught me good habits to live by, to eat by, and to nourish by. And I lost weight. But what I lost was not as important as what I gained!!
“I gained awareness, self respect, and confidence. I know unconditionally that I am special and I matter.”
I have tools now that I rely on to fight food urges but mostly to make positive decisions for my well being. And that only comes when you truly love yourself. There are not enough words to thank her or praise her! It is without question that I would refer anyone to Catherine with total faith in her ability and kindness. I am eternally grateful, Catherine!

Feb 2021 The first time I saw Catherine, I immediately connected with her. She was a featured speaker during a women’s retreat. Her one hour with the group resonated profoundly with me. She talked about story telling; and how stress decreases when we tell our stories. She talked about taking the mess and creating a message… And believe me, my life, at that point, was a mess. Believe me when I did not realize how much my life was about to change. If Catherine had not been in my life for the past 9 weeks I would have been depleted, exhausted and in complete disarray. So how did I get to rocking it as a mother, as a wife, an ex-wife, and a daughter? Here’s how: I began seeing Catherine in private virtual sessions. During my first visit with Catherine, she asked me to define where my happy place is, what does it look like and how do I feel, what smells are associated with that place. I immediately thought about the town I lived in when I was a little girl. I am French, the happy place I picked was that French village. We talked about incorporating more French based food into my daily diet. We also discussed getting body lotion and essential oil that reminded me of my happy place. It wasn’t until later in our sessions that what we did in the first session came full circle. At the conclusion of our first hour and a half, it felt like we had been talking for 10 minutes. It also felt like she was the friend, confident, sounding board that I had been looking for a while. It was no coincidence that her path crossed mine. I needed her insights, I needed her unconditional love, and I needed the gentle push to reconnect with myself, my husband, my children, my parents, and my deceased grandparents.
“Catherine helped me change my relationship with food.”
During subsequent sessions, we discussed Anticipated Negative Though Syndrome (ANTS). This is when I had my first OMG moment (first of many). Catherine helps me realize how to respond to situation instead of reacting to a crisis. She coached me on how to respond to situation related to my ex-husband and my parents. She helped me see where I need boundaries in my life. Catherine taught me that attending to my own needs was not selfish, it was actually self-preservation and absolutely required if by the end of the day I didn’t want to end up, upset at my kids and husband for little things. I learned that taking a bath with lavender oil is not a luxury, but a necessity for me to decompress and recenter myself. That means that time alone is sacred, and I needed to learn to close the door. Catherine helped me realize that once I will learn how to control my emotions, my emotions will no longer control me. Catherine explained to me that my beliefs become my thoughts, my thoughts become my words, my words become my actions (behavior) and my actions/behavior become my reality (the person I am). She taught me breathing exercises to calm me in case of a situation with work, or with my ex-husband. She asked me to repeat ALL IS WELL. Catherine helped me change my relationship with food. With her help and motivation, I completely emptied my pantry and threw away/donated all the food that did not serve my body, that was not nutritive. I stopped all gluten, eggs, cow milk and my body saw changes within a week. My brain fog was gone, my body was not bloated anymore. And for the first time, I was able to decrease the intensity of my headache with meditation, breathing exercises, lavender essential oil and drinking water. This experience taught me that I could heal me in other ways than pharmaceutical medicine. Catherine introduced me to a completely new library of books: the immune system recovery plan (to help me cleanse my body and help me better understand my autoimmune disease), the juice bible (to make shakes for any type of emotions or illness – amazing!), the brain maker (to understand the connection between gut health and brain health) but most of all, she introduced me to the series of books called warrior goddess. All these books have given me the foundation for a healthier, more centered, high energy, loving, setting boundaries me. And I love the woman I have become thanks to Catherine’s intuitiveness, her selfless guidance, and her contagious laugh. I can’t wait to see what’s next because I am not done growing, I am not done exploring and I am not done blossoming as the warrior goddess that my grandmother, mother, and daughter would be proud of.
Delphine C

Feb 2021 I was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to work with Catherine after recovery from both COVID-19 and a long-term toxic relationship. After our first conversation, I knew my life would never be the same. Catherine listened, providing such valuable insight as if we had been friends for years. She gave me validation and clarity to deep rooted issues I had never really addressed. After only three sessions, she informed me there is no need to further discuss my Ex as I had ended that part of my life. And just like that, I got my closure and changed my focus to the most important person in my life, me.
“I embraced all Catherine’s suggestions and have never felt better in my life.”
Once I redirected my priorities, I accepted that no longer were every one’s needs more important than my own. I needed to take care of myself which started with evaluating my choices in food. I had no idea how much my diet was holding me back from reaching my true potential. I embraced all Catherine’s suggestions and have never felt better in my life. After only weeks, I had completely changed my diet, instantly seeing the results. Now at 50 years old, I feel like I am starting this new, fantastic chapter of my life thanks to Catherine showing me the way. I will be forever grateful.
Deena L

Feb 2021 When I first met Catherine Canadeo it was at a women’s retreat and she was hosting a session titled “It’s not what you’re eating, it’s what’s eating you®”. After that session I began taking 6 personal sessions with Catherine. I have to admit I was both nervous and excited because I’ve always thought myself to not be the type of person to seek out any type of personal counseling. To my surprise it was nothing that I expected, she was open and relatable to everything that we spoke about even at times sharing her own personal experiences which made me feel even more comfortable to speak with her.
“Catherine has made a great impact, not only in my life but the lives of all of my family and friends with whom I can’t help but share all of the valuable information she has shared with me.”
Catherine helped me to realize that the only reason that I was feeling “stuck” in my life was because I basically stopped listening and communicating with myself. She gave me pointers on how to “MAKE MY MESS MY MESSAGE”. I just love that quote. These past six sessions with Catherine have helped me to get the ball rolling on the future that I have always seen for myself, but now thought was a missed opportunity. I would recommend anyone to have a session with Catherine whether it be for nutrition reasons, autoimmune issues or like me – if you think you need to drop a few pounds- which I did, just by changing up a few things in my daily routine. Catherine has made a great impact, not only in my life but the lives of all of my family and friends with whom I can’t help but share all of the valuable information she has shared with me. THANK YOU CATHERINE CANADEO.
Renate M

February, 2021 Where do I begin…My initial reason for seeing Catherine Canadeo was to lose weight.  I realized once I met her I was in for somewhat of an education.  Catherine’s knowledge, background and expertise goes way beyond nutrition.  She has so many strengths that she shares with her clients.  Catherine has taught me how everything is connected.  Mind, body and spirit.  She is a nutritionist, life coach and health coach. I can’t begin to tell you how much she has helped me in all areas of my life….My approach, how I see things, and my relationship with myself and others.  At each of our sessions I am amazed with the knowledge and understanding of myself that she brings out in me.  She repeats this information she shares until she sees that you are really getting it.  When that happens Catherine will say, “This is big, let’s keep going.” I was in quite a dark place when I came to see Catherine.  I suffered a loss that was consuming me. I will never be over my loss and nor do I want to, but again I am connected in other ways, my approach and the way I honor him.  Thank you Catherine! I am healing each day.  After only a few sessions I felt a change in myself, as did others.  My sessions with Catherine are invaluable.  I will use what she has taught me and continues to teach me for the rest of my life.  Your gift to me Catherine…was the gift of myself! By the way I am losing weight too! Much love, peace and blessings Catherine.

Catherine thank you for putting the pieces on my life back together. When we first met I felt worthless, scared for the future and I lost my identity with life and my family. You helped me regroup and see me again as I was prior to the hostile situation I was dealing with.  You helped me retrain my thoughts in order to get back into life and to be stronger than ever. I have a positive outlook again. You helped me in all aspects of my life – career, family and self-care. You taught me how to rely on me and my thoughts in order to love and be loved. I could not have come this far without you. The lessons that you have taught me will forever be part of my life. Your sincerity, dedication, professionalism and energy to your craft far exceeds what is normally seen. It is infectious and inspirational. Your ability to make insightful connections makes the healing journey that much more personal and effective. Thank you, you have forever changed me and the way I live my life.

Catherine Canadeo represents the true meaning of a professional with a “golden heart”. During a very difficult point in our lives we found this “loving, nurturing, intelligent” lady who turned our family’s life around. Catherine empowered all of us to exceed our goals both personally and professionally. Her kindness coupled with compassion and selfless nature is a rarity in this world of challenge. I am forever thankful for the direction I received in finding Catherine. Anyone that is seeking a “Life Coach” should look no further than contacting this amazing woman. I promise you that she will make the difference we all search for.
Marlene S

Met Catherine some time ago. I was immediately impressed by her. Her knowledge and understanding of the human anatomy and its functions blew me away. She’s dedicated and committed to each and everyone of her clients. I immediately referred her to so many of my friends. She’s been such a great help to me. I know she can do the same for you. Thank you Catherine for being such a great life coach!
Dino Sgueglia CEO/Founder, CurvePay

Who knew! For year’s I knew something was not right but felt it was impossible to pin point it. Fatigue, headaches, and a sweet tooth were all on the menu. I asked my general practitioner for an extra physical here and there over the years in an effort to identify something. I attempted my own “testing” of not eating certain foods and identifying what adversely affected me. However, all of my intentions and efforts were unsuccessful and I chalked it up to my “new normal.” My business partner mentioned Catherine to me and I called her immediately. What I thought would have been a five minute conversation turned into at least a thirty minute conversation. We were immediately aligned because Catherine was speaking my language and I was blown away with her knowledge and the ability to connect the dots. From that very first phone call Catherine truly started explaining the issues I was experiencing and most importantly, why I was experiencing them. It was absolutely enlightening and a breath of fresh air to say the least. What is additionally amazing after working with Catherine is how everything is tied together including our emotions, what we eat, our relationships, our bodies, and our careers. Somehow to my amazement, Catherine provides incredible clarity in identifying and achieving this ever so important balance. I truly feel lucky to have met Catherine and Dr. Dashiff and I look forward to living a healthier more fulfilling life not only for me but for my family! This is for real and I cannot thank them enough… Thank you,
Mark Spencer President, CurvePay

Catherine Canadeo has and will always be my beacon of support as I continue my journey into wellness. Leading a very busy, stressful and hectic life, Catherine shared with me best practices which I could easily incorporate for forging ahead into a healthier lifestyle. She made me a wiser consumer when in came to nutritional practices and education. She shared freely current research and methodologies, which when integrated into practice allowed me to see tremendous positive results in mind and body. Catherine was there for me every step of the way, and both literally and figuratively held my hand throughout the entire process. She monitored my routines, sat with me through medical testing, and lent her guidance and support in every possible way-in and out of the office. If I couldn’t get to her, she came to me. Her inner voice came through as I began carving out the necessary changes to be the best person that I can be. Her generosity, wise spirit, sensitivity and kindness is unsurpassed. I hold Catherine in the highest regard. Catherine saw me not just as a patient, but as a whole person, and for that I will be forever grateful.
Nancy Poulos Administrator, New York City Department of Education
Together we will:
  • Connect the dots between who you are and who you want to be
  • Create your personal blueprint
  • Decipher your body’s unique needs
  • Set your personal goals and work towards sustainable change

What you get:
  • Two or more 50-minute sessions per month
  • Email and phone support between sessions
  • Simple healthy recipes
  • Handouts specific to your needs and goals

“The lessons that you have taught me will forever be part of my life.” – Renee

“I am healing each day. After only a few sessions I felt a change in myself, as did others. My sessions with Catherine are invaluable.” – Patricia